What is FOBBS?

Using data, a combination of media types, and text-to-speech, we will be able to cater to the learning needs of your child. Presenting them with the information in the way that they learn best.

FOBBS stands for Figures Of Black British Society. It’s an app that will be the single best resource to learn about Black British figures both historical and current day leaders.

The app’s content will be age determined so if your child is as young as six, they will be able to easily learn the important facts about figures as someone who is 60.

As well as being an educational app, we want FOBBS to be a vocational resource. To inspire the your child to achieve careers that they may have not thought to aspire to before. We are doing this by linking their interests to the figures within those fields so that they can see people within the areas that they want to go into and build their confidence.