We are truly lucky to have an amazing group of people working hard to develop FOBBS.

Kayleigh Oliver
Founder and App Developer
Kayleigh is a multi-award winning senior leader within tech companies. She has worked within leadership development and testing roles in start-ups to large 700 person companies for over 15 years.
She is also a mum of two.

Lindy Brits
Backend and Web Developer
Lindy is a backend developer with a passion for building robust cloud infrastructures.
She has experience working in award-winning tech companies serving clients like Mars and Inmarsat.

Nyasha Oliver
Copy Editor and Copy Writer
Nyasha Oliver is a copywriter based in London with over seven years experience. She has also written pieces for Black Ballad, Hawkker and WhatCulture. Alongside writing, she is passionate about inspiring other Black people to live in Asia through her stories and personal experiences.
Advisory Team

Elaine Baldry
Educational Consultant
Elaine Baldry is an independent Education Advisor and mentor, championing the permanent, all-year-round inclusion of Black British History. She is a qualified Further Education Teacher who chose to work in Primary Schools, supporting children from an earlier stage of their education journeys and empowering adults to be more informed, confident and effective in their teaching practice.

Danny Thompson
Black Studies teacher
Working independently and with the Croydon Supplementary Education Project as a teacher of Black Studies for the last five years, he’s devised and delivered Black History presentations for schools in London, supplementary schools, Transport For London, The London Probation Service, The National Fostering Association, and most recently The Prison Service. He also conducts tours of the British Museum for colleges and adult groups.

Linford Sweeney
Black History Educator
Linford Sweeney is the founder of Inspired Histories and a historian who specialises in African/Black History, and currently delivers courses and talks throughout the UK. He is also a genealogist who is an expert in tracing Caribbean family roots undertaking research and delivering workshops both regionally and nationally. He has a passion for history and enjoys uncovering the hidden histories of Black people, reconnecting them with their past, and promoting new opportunities for greater achievement.