When purchasing any of the programme levels below you will automatically get access for your entire school to the FOBBS app.
The first 100 schools to sign up will get a special INTRODUCTORY rate.
Please get in contact to book a call and secure your special rate.
Premium FOBBS mobile app accounts for all students and staff within the school
FOBBS web access
Guided reading
FOBBS School media pack assets
Voting for new figures
Figures’ notes downloads
Suggestions for new figures
Priority bug fixes
Offline resources
Premium FOBBS mobile app accounts for all students and staff within the school
FOBBS web access
Guided reading
FOBBS School media pack assets
Voting for new figures
Figures’ notes downloads
Suggestions for new figures
Priority bug fixes and features
Offline resources pack 1
If you are a single form entry state school, or a Trust leader wishing to subscribe all of your schools, please get in contact to discuss other packages.
Other Resources
We have a number of other resources available to help you teach more effectively about Black British figures. Please contact us to discuss prices for individual services.
- Training days
- Activities and reporting
- Posters
- Offline Resources
- and more!
Want to see what we’re offering first?
Book a call or email us to speak about arranging a free 7 day trial to the web version for your school.